10-18 students!  Post your 1-Sentence and 1-Paragraph summaries in a comment reply to this post. 

Don't forget to use your code name. =)
Our favorite CSU (so far) came to visit us again.  This time Stacy talked about how insects can aid criminal investigations. 

Read below for my messy notes from her lecture.  Get +20 on any daily grade this week by commenting on this post with an additional fact or a correction!

Dear 10-18,

We watched this Frontline Episode in class today.  Catch up with me later if you missed it!

"Popular television shows portray death investigators as high-tech sleuths wielding the most sophisticated tools of 21st century science. An unprecedented collaborative investigation by FRONTLINE, ProPublica and NPR found a very different reality: A dysfunctional system in which there are few standards, little oversight and the mistakes are literally buried. In state after state, reporters found autopsies -- our final physical exam -- conducted by doctors who lacked certification and training. An increasing number of the 2.5 million Americans who die each year go to the grave without being examined at all."

This is your new blog post. Click here and start typing, or drag in elements from the top bar.
Dear 10-18,

Welcome to the Body Farm!  We watched these videos in class and discussed the work of Dr. Bill Bass, body farm pioneer.  Info from these videos will be on the quiz.

Ms. M
10-18 Students: Post your TED Talk that you're interested in evaluating later.  Use your code names. =)

Ms. M
Use the following guide from the NIJ to analyze your assigned portion of the CSI process.

Crime Scene Investigation: A Guide for Law Enforcement

"Physical evidence has the potential to play a critical role in the overall investigation and resolution of a suspected criminal act. Crime Scene Investigation: A Guide for Law Enforcement discusses the fundamental principles of investigating a crime scene and preserving evidence that need to be practiced in order to yield reliable information. This research report is intended for use by law enforcement and other responders who have responsibilities for protecting crime scenes, preserving physical evidence, and collecting and submitting the evidence for scientific examination."
National Institute of Justice
 CSU Stacy Boatwright came to talk to us about her work as a Crime Scene Investigator in Austin. 

10-18 Students!  Read below for my messy notes from her lecture.  Reply to this post with corrections or additions to my notes for Thursday's daily grade. =)  Sign your posts with your initials.

Dr. Carstarphen visited 10-18 on Garza's first day back for the 2011-2012 school year.  Woohoo!
