My lecture on Monday, Sept, 26th.  Like any good power point, you can't get ALL the information just from the slides.  Then I could be replaced by a robot.  You'll have to ask one of your awesome teammates to throw you a rope to get all the extra details.  They will be on the quiz!
NB: No actual toolmark analysis gets reviewed in this power point.  PSYCHE!
Here's Tuesday's Power Point lecture for those of you who missed it.  Read after the break for the fingerprint card we used to collect our own fingerprints.

FYI for anyone who missed Crime Scene Investigator Dean's lecture on bloodstain pattern recognition:

Dear 10-18 students!

Go here:

How Stuff Works: Blood Stain Pattern Analysis

Sage and Scribe

With your partner, create a 1-page outline of this article in Word. 
One of you should be the Sage--your job is to read the article to your partner.
The other should be the Scribe--your job is to type the outline as y'all work through the article.
Scribes, make sure to be listening carefully to your Sages.
Sages, you should make suggestions to your scribes.
Choose your own outline format from the available templates in "Bullets and Numbering." 

Print your finished products with both of your names in the Header and put them in the front pocket of one of your binders.

Good luck!

Dear Students,

You've got 15 minutes to look at the Official Messy Notes and make your own additions in the comments. 


10-18 students!  Post your 1-Sentence and 1-Paragraph summaries in a comment reply to this post. 

Don't forget to use your code name. =)
Our favorite CSU (so far) came to visit us again.  This time Stacy talked about how insects can aid criminal investigations. 

Read below for my messy notes from her lecture.  Get +20 on any daily grade this week by commenting on this post with an additional fact or a correction!

Dear 10-18,

We watched this Frontline Episode in class today.  Catch up with me later if you missed it!

"Popular television shows portray death investigators as high-tech sleuths wielding the most sophisticated tools of 21st century science. An unprecedented collaborative investigation by FRONTLINE, ProPublica and NPR found a very different reality: A dysfunctional system in which there are few standards, little oversight and the mistakes are literally buried. In state after state, reporters found autopsies -- our final physical exam -- conducted by doctors who lacked certification and training. An increasing number of the 2.5 million Americans who die each year go to the grave without being examined at all."

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